Mar 10, 2023

Skills Show 2023 – On Wednesday 8th March, Mr Turner and Mr Barnes took a group of our Year 7 pupils down to the Worcestershire Skills Show. The event this year was being held at the Sixways Stadium in Worcester. Many of the pupils attending had never been to a sports arena of this size before and so it was particularly nice for them to have the experience of visiting the home of the Worcester Warriors. At the venue, pupils were able to visit the stalls of many local businesses where they could engage them in conversation, ask questions and interact with a vast range of activities that the many attending companies had organised. Every stall had leaflets and information that pupils could take with them, and many were giving away freebies such as balloons, stickers, badges, and bookmarks, which of course went down well with the pupils. One was even giving away free power banks for phones which was particularly impressive. Attwell Farm Park had a stall there and this was a particular favourite as they  brought with them a selection of their minibeasts including a tarantula and huntsman spider and several gigantic stick insects, which a few of our pupils were brave enough to allow to crawl over them. Worcestershire Apprenticeships were there and hopefully they’ll be coming into our school to deliver a talk to all of our KS3 pupils in the summer term in order to explain how useful these can be as a route to a fulfilling career. Other business included companies working in science, manufacture, finance, design, computing, sport, medicine – you name it, they were there. The venue was packed with visiting schools and had a really positive vibe to it. All of the pupils that we took with us were a credit to the school and all seemed to enjoy their experience. It was snowing all of the morning and we were very thankful it didn’t settle and hamper our return to school.