What is Friends of Woodfield PTA?

Friends of Woodfield PTA, is a friendly and informal voluntary body of parents who have children at the school and teachers who work there. In most school’s the role is to encourage closer links between home and school. PTAs act in a positive way by fundraising, but they have a useful social function too. Fundraising events provide an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together as part of a wider school community.

How is money raised?

Most PTAs raise money through events. We are looking to hold 2/3 main events a year for example, a Christmas Fair in the winter, a Summer Fair, Discos and much more. We are always looking for new fundraising ideas.

How is money spent?

Funds raised by the PTA are intended to provide ‘extras’ not already provided by the school’s main income – often ‘fun things’ that make learning more interesting and exciting.

The PTA and the Headteacher decide how to spend PTA funds. Common items include; a minibus, computers and other technological items such as digital cameras, I-pads, and other smaller purchases like books for the library or sports equipment.


Our vision is to enhance the education and futures of all the children in our community by encouraging engagement and communication between pupils, parents and school.


The core aim of the PTA is to support our pupils and the school through fundraising events which will provide additional resources to strengthen our pupil’s education and achievements. The PTA want to support a learning environment where pupils, parents and staff have space to interact, to engage and are at the core of our community.

If you are interested in being a part of Friends of Woodfield PTA or, if you can’t commit but have some suggestions or ideas, please email Taryn Golding on [email protected].

AGM minutes 07.06.24