
Subject Vison

‘Woodfield academy is a place where our day to day mission is to ignite a passion to learn and a desire to succeed in an environment that nurtures all.’

It is a place where learners are taught through our curriculum, to make informed choices and to be responsible for their own actions, through the teaching of four core values; Compassion, Respect, Resilience and Responsibility.

Our history curriculum fires students’ curiosity to ask questions and find out more about Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It equips our students with knowledge about the history of Britain and how it has influenced and been influenced by the wider world and a chronological framework that will enable them to make sense of new knowledge they acquire. We want our students to develop a historical perspective of the world around them; to realise that the past is gone and history is constructed and contested. We aim to inspire, not just through experiences in the classroom but with educational visits and fieldwork.

Our history curriculum is underpinned not just by key concepts such as: change and continuity, cause and consequence and significance but by examining, in detail, how the exercise of power has changed through history and its impact on the population; from the Romans in Key Stage 2 to the English Civil War in Key Stage 3. This in turn informs the types of questions we encourage our students, as independent enquirers, to ask about past events and people. The curriculum allows our students to understand the concept of change, to see how we arrived ‘here’ and help them make sense of the present.

Chronology and sequencing are at the heart of our curriculum in both ks2 and ks3. The units of work are chosen to provide our students with the skills and knowledge for the next stage of learning be it ks2 or GCSEs. We ensure that both reading and writing is a focus by exposing the students to a range of historical tests, extracts and imagery relevant to the topic for a range of purposes. Our lessons and assessments are designed to show our students that expression is choice and not pre-determined whereby opportunities to given to discuss, present and role play ideas.

Our curriculum enables our students to gain ‘real life’ experiences e.g. from using written sources and artefactual evidence from the local area to look at how Britain has changed over time from the Industrial Revolution in KS2, to residential trips to Yorkshire and London in KS3. Students compare and contrast the nature of ancient civilisations to gain a greater understanding of the past and how it has shaped our world. History’s unique concepts and our curriculum helps our students to construct arguments and support them to become analytical in their approach to history; questioning human motivation and society with skill and confidence; expressing opinions and offering justifications.

“We are not makers of history, we are made by history” Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Home Learning Homework

Y5 Spring Humanities
Y6 Spring Humanities
Y7 Spring Humanities
Y8 Spring Humanities

History – Primary National Curriculum

History – Secondary National Curriculum