Welcome from Chair of Governors:

On behalf of the Trust Local Governors of Woodfield Academy, I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to our school.

We joined the Bordesley Multi Academy Trust in April 2022 and we want to reiterate that we are committed to remaining a middle school, whilst working closely with our pyramid partners. The Trust Local Governors are passionate and proud of the school’s achievements and with the Headteacher, are ready to support the school on the next stage of its journey.

In this section you will be able to find out more information about the school’s Governors and the work that we do. At the heart of the Governing Body ethos is the education, development and well-being of our children and staff; ensuring that each and every person in school may achieve their full potential in a safe, caring and nurturing environment.

Governors are volunteers who bring their outside experience into school to act as ‘critical friends’. Membership of the Governing Body is drawn from different parts of the community including parents, staff and co-opted members with specific skills. The Governors are responsible for the strategic development of the school.

The three core strategic functions of the governing body are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its students;
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that its money is well spent;
  • Be transparent and accountable, including in recruiting staff, its governance structure, attendance at meetings and contact with parents.

Governors are also responsible for ensuring that the school meets statutory requirements with regard to Safeguarding, Health and Safety, the Curriculum and Finance. The Local Governing Body delegates responsibility for the day to day running of the school to the Headteacher, and hold the Headteacher to account for the performance of the school. The Local Governing Body cannot delegate their accountability but can delegate some of the detailed scrutiny, oversight and decision making.


The full Local Governing Body Committee – meets 6 times a year, once in each school half term.

The Local Governing Body has also established three further committees which meet as required to carry out some of its governance functions. Where this includes making decisions, those decisions will be deemed decisions of the Local Governing Body. Our committees are;

Finance and Audit Committee

Initial oversight and management of the annual budget drawn up by the school; Ensures the school maintains an appropriate system of internal financial control; Agrees priorities for revenue and capital funding.

Operations and Compliance Committee

This committee ensures strategic oversight of the operational aspects of the school including safeguarding arrangements and Health and Safety. This committee also functions to ensure that the school is compliant with statutory regulations and statutory guidance.

Education, Staffing and Standards

Primarily drives standards and performance via the analysis of the School Development Plan (SDP). The committee makes recommendations to the Local Governing Board as required.

Other Responsibilities

  • We also, along with the Trust, appoint and conduct the performance management of the Headteacher.
  • We also serve on a range of different panels that may be needed for appeals such as school admissions, pay and disciplinary matters for both children and staff.
  • We monitor the school and evaluate the work by undertaking school visits to see evidence in practice and we then review these at our meetings, feeding back to the Headteacher on our findings.
  • Some Governors have specific monitoring links relating to Safeguarding, SEND, Pupil Premium, Curriculum and Health & Safety

Register of Business Interests

The Local Governing Body of Woodfield Academy and staff members have a responsibility to avoid any conflict between their business and personal interests and affairs and the interests of the school.

A register of business interests is maintained for both Governors and school personnel with significant financial responsibilities. The register includes all business interests such as directorships, share-holdings and other appointments of influence within a business or other organisation that may have dealings with the school. The disclosures also include business interests of relatives and other individuals who may exert influence. A full record of disclosures is kept on record in school and this is completed annually by all Governors.

Name Type Term of Office Term of Office Started Term of Office End Link Areas  Committees Register of business and pecuniary interests, including Gov role in other ed institutions
Judith Doidge

Trust Local Governor

Appointed by Trust

4 Years 18.05.22 17.05.26

Link Governor for SEND and English

LC Vice-Chair, ESS, Finance, Ops & Comp Retired
Ross Elliot Gardner

Trust Local Governor

Appointed by Trust

4 Years 15.03.23 14.03.26 Careers LC, Finance, Ops & Comp  
Rebecca Delmore

Trust Local Governor

Appointed by Trust

4 Years 18.05.23 17.05.26 Safeguarding LC. Ops & Comp  
Neil Pagett

Trust Local Governor

Appointed by Trust

4 Years 01.07.22 30.06.26 Link Governor for Inclusion: Attendance; Behaviour and Pupil Premium. Maths and Science. LC Chair, ESS, Finance, Ops & Comp Retired
Emma Carr

Parent Governor

Ballot in School

4 Years 16.07.24 15.07.28   LC, Finance, Chair, Ops and Comp Chair

Employed at ElectralLink Limited. CIPS – Charter Institute of Purchasing and Supply Association of Product Management Professionals Association of Proposal Management Professionals # LPC – Legal Practice Course (qualified but not practicing solicitor)

Tarryn Golding

Parent Governor

Ballot in School

4 Years 18.05.22 17.05.26 Parent & Community Links, Wellbeing LC, ESS  
Neil Straw Headteacher Ex Officio       LGB, ESS, Finance, Ops & Comp    
Dagmara Sheffield

Staff Governor

Ballot in School

4 Years 18.05.22 17.05.26   LC, Finance, Ops & Comp Employed at Woodfield Academy
Bev Whiteside

Staff Governor

Ballot in School

4 Years 18.05.22 17.05.26 Parent & Community Links, Wellbeing LC, ESS

Employed at Woodfield Academy

Chair of NALA – National Association of Language Advisers

Governor Attendance

Click here to view/download : Governor meeting attendance

Please click on the links below to read more about our current Governors and Parent Governors.