Woodfield Academy is looking to improve attendance by implementing the following strategies… Keep an eye out for our newsletter for weekly results!
Frequently Asked Questions
What does Woodfield Academy class as a genuine medical reason that should result in absence?
Diarrhoea, sickness, childhood ailments e.g. measles, chicken pox, extremely high temperatures are genuine illness. Pupils should not stay home if they have minor coughs, colds, tummy aches and headaches. If your child is too poorly to remain at school, we will contact you. The following website link has advice for parents on specific illnesses:
How do I report my child as absent from school?
You must report your child as absent by 9;15am using the following steps…
Online: https://studybugs.com/report
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01527527087 (ext. 4125)
Who can help support my child when they do not want to attend?
If your child is refusing to attend school because they are anxious, find learning hard, they are being bullied or have fallen out with friends you can email [email protected] and Mr Hanks will forward your concerns to the appropriate member of staff.
Who can support you when you are struggling to support your child? Contact [email protected]
What if my child has a Medical Appointment?
Please ensure that you supply the school with medical evidence for all appointments e.g. apt cards/prescriptions (we do not expect you to incur a cost for this). We ask where possible that routine appointments are booked outside of school time.
What about holidays in term time?
Supporting school attendance is important so the school will not authorise holidays in term time ( unless for exceptional circumstances). Please complete a Holiday Request Form prior to departure. Please do not report your child as sick as this encourages them to be dishonest to teachers and puts pressure on their friends. The Headteacher has the authority to sanction and fine (if necessary), and in some cases can insist of a date of return.
What if my child is returning to school after an accident, surgery or serious illness?
We will complete a risk assessment to ensure that pupils returning to school after an accident, surgery or serious illness receive the best possible care. We have policies such as Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs, Pupils with Health needs who cannot attend school, Health and Safety and First Aid for this purpose.
If your child is returning to school after an accident, surgery or serious illness, please contact your child’s Head of Year/Reception in the first instance and we will arrange a risk assessment meeting with Mrs Little (Lead First Aider) and other relevant staff. We cannot support your child’s return without you attending this meeting.
Email: [email protected] or call on 01527527081
What will happen if my child’s attendance falls below 6 days?
We monitor pupil attendance every week. You will be alerted if your child’s absence is greater than 6 days or if your child attendance improves by letter or phone call. After 19 days your child will be classed as a ‘Persistent Absentee’, we want to avoid your child being in this category and will work together to try to improve their attendance.
What we’ll do to support you and your child to improve attendance and punctuality:
- Your child will be put on a tracker.
- You will be invited to meetings with form teachers, the Attendance and Welfare Officer or Head of Year.
- We will listen to your concerns and make a plan to help and support.
- We will work with outside agencies to offer family support where appropriate.
What is my legal responsibility as parent(s)/carer(s) in terms of school attendance?
- Ensure your child attends every day the school is open except when a statutory reason applies.
- Notify the school as soon as possible when your child has to be unexpectedly absent (e.g. sickness).
- Only request leave of absence in exceptional circumstances and do so in advance.
- Book any medical appointments around the school day where possible.
- Work with school and Worcestershire Children First to help us understand barriers to attendance.
- Proactively engage with the support offered to prevent the need for formal support or legal intervention.
What do we do to motivate pupils to attend?
Our whole school target is 96% and we use a range of initiatives to encourage pupils to attend. Keep up to date with who has achieved each week on our Facebook page, our newsletters and the TV monitor in reception.
Additional Information and Government Guidance
Pupil attendance and welfare | Worcestershire County Council
Working Together to Improve Attendance – Government Guidance for Schools
Working Together to Improve Attendance – Government Guidance for Parent(s)/Carer(s)
DFE Table of Responsibility for Pupil’s Attendance