Art & Design

Subject Vison
Woodfield academy is a place where our day to day mission is to ignite a passion to learn and a desire to succeed in an environment that nurtures all.’

It is a place where learners are taught through our curriculum, to make informed choices and to be responsible for their own actions, through the teaching of four core values; Compassion, Respect, Resilience and Responsibility.

Driven by our ethos and school values, Art enhances and provides pupils with essential knowledge they need to be educated citizens. It allows pupils to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement. Art refines motor skills, hand-eye coordination, problem solving skills, lateral thinking, complex analysis and critical thinking skills. No matter what career you choose, those who can arrange, present and display material in a way that is aesthetically pleasing have an advantage.

Arts subjects encourage self-expression and creativity and can build confidence as well as a sense of individual identity. Creativity can also help with wellbeing and improving health and happiness, art can be used as an outlet for releasing the pressures of studying as well as those of everyday life and is used by many pupils during periods of isolation as a means of self- expression and communication.

Art topics promote positive attitudes and address issues of difference. Topics such as “Sarah Beetson portraits” challenge stereotypes and explores identity using “themselves” as a starting point.

Pupil’s work is displayed throughout the Academy and exciting and interactive installations showcase the creativity of our pupils.

Enrichment activities such as Art clubs and visits are accessible to all pupils and offers them the opportunity to experience art in different settings such as working outdoors, observing and creating site specific artwork.

Learning through and about the arts enriches the experience of studying while at school, as well as preparing pupils for life after Woodfield Academy.

“Every artist was first an amateur” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Art & Design Primary National Curriculum 

Art & Design Secondary National Curriculum